
Our Family History

  “Anyone who has ever made anything of importance was disciplined. It's who we are and what we believe in.”
     Chuck German
    5th Generation Professional Woodworker 

Over 200 years ago, the first generation of wood-workers settled in Brownsville, PA.

Our family consisted of fine craftsmen, and this is where our journey begins.

This is my story to share with you four generations later.


My name is Chuck German, the owner of the Holland Cutting Board Company.

We welcome you to our company website.

Please take a moment to read this page and learn all about us, what we believe in,

our products, our wood working experience,

and most importantly, the quality in every product we make.

master-homestead-1897jpg.jpg.  john-m-brown-barn-1987.jpg

Our Niche is "Custom"


Our beliefs are great customer service, high-quality products,


and affordable prices and most importantly Customer-centered




Fully Customized Cutting Boards for Home and Business


We only make custom sizes made to order for our customers


giving them the exact sizes that fit their countertop space.


"It can't get any better than that."


Then, in order to add that special touch, we can augment your board with


custom laser engraving to personalize each board we make.


"We will custom make any size hardwood board for our retail customers,


wholesale customers, restaurants, bakeries, and corporate gifts as well.


We look forward to being your hardwood cutting board supplier.


The Holland Cutting Board Company


grandma-lanta-mom-.jpg Abigail Hayde

bazel-brown-dad.jpg   sarah-w.-brown.jpg Bazel Brown & Sarah Brown 


Sarah J. German & John M. Brown (Parents of Lanta Brown, my Grandmother)

          John M. Brown is the son of Bazil Brown founder of Brownsville, PA       



The History of Our Families the Browns and Germans




   Over two hundred Years of History "Our Family of Woodworking Experience" Our Timeline




The first record of our family dates back to 1775 with our two Browns: brothers Thomas and Bazil Brown




Thomas Brown Sr. and Bazel Brown Sr. from Prince George Maryland made the historic trip


and settled along the Mongolia River in Western Pennsylvania, which was a wilderness at the time.




It all started in 1849. By 1898, at the age of forty-nine, my great, great, Grandfather John M. Brown, a Professional Builder


and furniture maker and farmer, completed the Brown Homestead. In those days, the virgin forest near the homestead


was full of Black Walnut, Black Cherry, and White Oak.


The family homestead is located in Dellroy, Ohio, shown in the picture in 1897 with my grandmother's cousins


and my grandmother's mother. The lady in the black dress is my grandma's mother,


and she gave birth to my grandma on February 23, 1898.


The barn is still standing today; the original home has since burned down.


There was a brick home built later in years on the same spot


The barn John built was a 3-story barn third floor was where he stored the straw,


the first floor to the left of the picture was for hay and farm equipment.


To the right of the picture was the second floor, where he built all the family furniture in his woodshop.


Back then it was awesome according to my grandmother. The first-floor lower section was where he kept all the cattle.


When John took his daughter inside his woodshop, all she remembers is that it was big and had a lot of woodworking tools.


The family home and barn completed


built giving the Brown’s a home stead in raising their family the 12-room home was considered huge back in those days.




When my grandmother married her first husband, he was a woodworker as a hobby, tool and die by trade in Toledo Ohio.


Then my grandma had two sons -- one was to be a woodworker, that was my dad. Her second son became a U.S. Postal Worker.


I am now the fifth-generation woodworker and owner of the Holland Cutting Board Company.


I adopted my grandson who is now becoming the next line of woodworkers beginning


the sixth generation to continue the family tradition.


Then in 1967 was when my woodworking story begins. So here we are 53 years later at the


Holland Cutting Board Company carrying on a family tradition of more than 282 years of woodworking experience.


The Holland Cutting Board Company was just an idea. It started in 2018 when my son Brett took


his first woodshop class in high school. He came home from school with a hardwood cutting board he made


in the shape of Michigan made from walnut and hard maple.


To my surprise, the craftsmanship was beyond perfect.


Then one day he said to me, dad I want us to have a cutting board business in Holland, Michigan.


You are an awesome woodworker, and I want to have a company after I graduate from high school.


I said to my son Brett if you are serious, then let's do it.



So, in 2019, I registered the Holland Cutting Board Company for Holland, Michigan,


for the next one hundred years continuing the long family tradition.


Our journey together and putting together an awesome team was the first step.


Now we have an awesome team of the most highly professional people working


at the Holland Cutting Board Company bringing the finest cutting board products to market.




-Chuck German, Owner